Sunday, July 12, 2009

What do you think of school?

I am happy that I am a teacher. I can say that for the most part - administration, teachers and support professionals are doing a good job at helping prepare the students for life beyond graduation. They are creative, caring, and knowledgeable. They are hard working, continuous learners themselves and strive to bring out the best in the students.

I know that schools and the education system is not perfect. I have blogged myself about things that I would like to see improved. I think that more personalized learning would be ideal. I think technology integration at every level would be awesome. All children everywhere need to have a safe, stimulating environment in which to learn.

As I read and participate in discussions about education I am a bit dismayed at how many people think that schools (education) are not doing their job (educating our students). Do you feel this way? Do others you know think this? I ask this question because I truly believe "we" in education really are trying our best to do a job that is challenging and important. Perhaps we are not doing it well enough.
I am interested in hearing from you- young and old, students, education professionals and others. You can be anonymous and express your true feelings. I will not be offended.

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